Valentine Darmois will be in Milan for the IAFL conference taking place on March 21st and 22nd, 2019

Valentine DARMOIS will be in Milan on March 21st and 22nd to attend the International Academy of Family Lawyers (IAFL)’s conference on modern family law. It will be the occasion […]
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Valentine Darmois will hold a conference at the Annual Conference on Family Law and Successions in Paris

Valentine Darmois will co-hold a conference alongside Alice Meier Bourdeau, Carole Nuguet and François Tremosa on Successions and transmissions in the international family during the Annual Conference on Family Law and […]
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Splitting compulsory liquidation & Contribution to the expenses of the marriage

La jurisprudence de la Cour de cassation, qui neutralise certaines des créances liées au financement d’un bien indivis par des époux séparés de biens au motif que ces règlements entrent […]
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Valentine Darmois was delighted to assist to yet another highly interesting IAFL meeting in Stuttgart and to find this opportunity to discuss the current issues in international family law with […]
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