Legal information
The website, accessible from the URL (referred to as « the Website ») is published by :
Lawyers at the Paris Bar
5, rue Cassette – 75006 PARIS - FRANCE
Registered in France under number 844 338 228
Tél : +
The Editor-in-Chief is :
Valentine DARMOIS (same contact information).
The company hosting the hosting services online is :
SAS au capital de 10 059 500 €
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 6202A
N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419
Pursuant to articles L. 612-1 of the French Consumer code (“Code de la consommation”), you may, if case of a dispute with a lawyer, seek free mediation from the Consumer Mediator (« Médiation de la consommation ») appointed by the French National Bar Committee (« Conseil National des Barreaux », or « CNB »), whose contact informations are the following : CNB, Médiateur de la consommation, 180 boulevard Haussmann 75008 PARIS.
Pursuant to articles 13 and 14 of Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Information Technology, data files and civil liberties (hereinafter the "IT Law"), and EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and European Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, the Site’s Editor-in-Chief informs you that :
In using the website of the Law Firm, you accept the collection and processing of your personal data, when you browse the Website, send a query through the contact form, apply for a position or an internship or register for a newsletter. Your personal data is collected for the exclusive use of the Firm and cannot be communicated to any third parties. It will be kept only for the time necessary to ensure that you are provided with the services or information you requested, or to answer your questions. It will also keep your Personal data longer when part of its legal obligations.
Therefore, your data will be collected as soon as you enter into contact with the Firm, including when you seek a pricing or an appointment at the Firm. Your data will be kept for two (2) weeks only in the event where the meeting would not take place.
In all other cases, they will be kept by the firm for a period of five (5) years from the time of data collection or your last contact with the Firm, in secured premises and a secured and protected informatic system.
In line with applicable law, you have the right to request that you be able to access or rectify your Data, if it is inaccurate, obsolete or incomplete. You may also oppose that the Firm process your Data for communication purposes, at any time and without any reason. In such event, please email or write to SELARL LEICK & DARMOIS, Directeur de la Communication, 5 rue Cassette, 75006 PARIS, France.
You may also file a claim at any time with the Data Protection authority in France by writing to CNIL, 3 Place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris, France.
The Website and any work and material composing the Website, in particular any text, article, newsletter, press release, presentation, brochure, illustration, photograph, software, digital animation, drawing, logo etc., are and remain the exclusive property of their author, including but not exclusively the Law Firm. Users cannot reproduce, represent, modify, adapt, translate, the Website and/or any work and material composing the Website, and cannot reproduce, represent, display such without the prior and written consent of the Firm.
The photographs featured on this website were taken by Debra Kellner, Léonard Cotte, Valentin B. Kremer, Lina Silivanova, John Towner, Robin Benzrihem, Emily Bentley, Julien Borean, Anthony Delanoix, Marina Vitale and Bruno Abatti.
The website, accessible from the URL (referred to as « the Website ») is published by :
Lawyers at the Paris Bar
5, rue Cassette – 75006 PARIS - FRANCE
Registered in France under number 844 338 228
Tél : +
The Editor-in-Chief is :
Valentine DARMOIS (same contact information).
The company hosting the hosting services online is :
SAS au capital de 10 059 500 €
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 6202A
N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419
Pursuant to articles L. 612-1 of the French Consumer code (“Code de la consommation”), you may, if case of a dispute with a lawyer, seek free mediation from the Consumer Mediator (« Médiation de la consommation ») appointed by the French National Bar Committee (« Conseil National des Barreaux », or « CNB »), whose contact informations are the following : CNB, Médiateur de la consommation, 180 boulevard Haussmann 75008 PARIS.
Pursuant to articles 13 and 14 of Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Information Technology, data files and civil liberties (hereinafter the "IT Law"), and EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and European Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, the Site’s Editor-in-Chief informs you that :
In using the website of the Law Firm, you accept the collection and processing of your personal data, when you browse the Website, send a query through the contact form, apply for a position or an internship or register for a newsletter. Your personal data is collected for the exclusive use of the Firm and cannot be communicated to any third parties. It will be kept only for the time necessary to ensure that you are provided with the services or information you requested, or to answer your questions. It will also keep your Personal data longer when part of its legal obligations.
Therefore, your data will be collected as soon as you enter into contact with the Firm, including when you seek a pricing or an appointment at the Firm. Your data will be kept for two (2) weeks only in the event where the meeting would not take place.
In all other cases, they will be kept by the firm for a period of five (5) years from the time of data collection or your last contact with the Firm, in secured premises and a secured and protected informatic system.
In line with applicable law, you have the right to request that you be able to access or rectify your Data, if it is inaccurate, obsolete or incomplete. You may also oppose that the Firm process your Data for communication purposes, at any time and without any reason. In such event, please email or write to SELARL LEICK & DARMOIS, Directeur de la Communication, 5 rue Cassette, 75006 PARIS, France.
You may also file a claim at any time with the Data Protection authority in France by writing to CNIL, 3 Place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris, France.
The Website and any work and material composing the Website, in particular any text, article, newsletter, press release, presentation, brochure, illustration, photograph, software, digital animation, drawing, logo etc., are and remain the exclusive property of their author, including but not exclusively the Law Firm. Users cannot reproduce, represent, modify, adapt, translate, the Website and/or any work and material composing the Website, and cannot reproduce, represent, display such without the prior and written consent of the Firm.
The photographs featured on this website were taken by Debra Kellner, Léonard Cotte, Valentin B. Kremer, Lina Silivanova, John Towner, Robin Benzrihem, Emily Bentley, Julien Borean, Anthony Delanoix, Marina Vitale and Bruno Abatti.