Valentine DARMOIS guest on BFMTV

Valentine DARMOIS was invited by news channel BFMTV, in the “Calvi 3D” segment, to explain the legal implications of the difficulties that is currently facing the family of the legendary … Read More

Published articles by Arnaud Leick

Liquidation séparatiste et contribution aux charges du mariage : une clarification attendue de la Cour de cassation !, co-écrit avec Valentine Darmois, Gazette du Palais – n°33 – page 48, 2 October 2018 La protection … Read More

Published articles by Valentine Darmois

Valentine Darmois has written the following articles and commentaries, in French language: Article 13, b) de la convention de La Haye du 25 octobre 1980 : l’exception au retour de l’enfant … Read More